About Us

Yes, these Russian Brides on the right are online, you can make a search and see other girls who are online now. You can message to them and receive replies back in a minute.

We are not a "mail order brides" site, we do not sell addresses.

We are not interested to have women who are not interested in service any more. Near each profile in the gallery you can see when this or that Russian lady was on the site the last time. We do not deliver mail to them. We gather women on our dating site who have access to Internet, who are serious and who are ready to work to make the relationship work.

Some of these girls are of model type, and you can imagine her walking on a podium, some of them are not models, but charm, attractive ladies.

Read our advice and begin.

It does not matter if you are a connoiseour or an amateur in Russian dating. We will help you to find here your Russian bride.

Our Features

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Online Translator

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The online translator allows you to understand each other even if you do not know each other's language. Communicate with out bareers. Even a Russain girl that does not know English can chat with you.

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Anti-scam program

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We have the unique anti-scam program that helps us to get rid our site of scammers. We do not look only through scammers lists (we have our own scammer list also where people can register scammers) but also see through their contrivance It is easy for scammers - to change names, photos, email addresses. But some things they can't change and we follow them to guard you from them.

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Advanced Search


Search is made for your comfort. The search is sorted by activity level (the most recent logged users are shown higher). There are many kinds of searches and their parameters can be remembered, so that you could quickly use your searches without inserting parameters again and again.

5 Steps Towards a Success

Try to clearly imagine, what you want from your relations with the woman. List priorities and decide what are the principal criteria of your choice, and in which you are ready to yield and to accept compromise. Is it the social position? Mind? Energy? Sexual performance? Age and physical appearance? Maybe there can be something else? In what measure should these qualities must be present in your "candidate"? Now try to more critically relate to your wishes and to think, are such women generally out there? Are not the qualities, which you want to see in the woman, incompatible in principle?

1. Orient yourself with your wishes

Imagine the portrait "your" woman. Where and how does she live, what is occupied with, what are her interests? But the main thing - what place in life she leaves for a man and what demands she presents to him. Are you ready to match these requirements? Women, just as you do, elect to have the right to select. What you are prepared to propose to her in exchange for what you want to receive? Some men assume that stability and money is sufficient in order to build stable relations. It goes without saying; there are women, who are guided by financial motives in all perspectives. But they sooner or later show their user's motives, and they will unlikely be interesting to you. If you thought the wishes of the imaginary chosen-one unreal - return to the first point, reduce the requirements and imagine a woman with a less rigid criteria. with less strict requirements.

2. Think, what a woman wants from you

On the site we are associated with the virtual characters, created by our imagination from the photographs, forms and letters. Imagine the man, who will be most attractive for the type of woman selected by you. What is this image? Sensual and direct? Energetic and provocative? Serious and accurate? Intellectual and romantic? Creating your image, make it one-piece. Photographs and answers should not contradict each other, but support a whole image. Variety at a distance more frequently disorients and alerts, than attracts. Its better that she realises your other merits during the personal encounter. Only do not overdo it with the creation of your "portrait". In spite of artistic enhancements, it must reflect the real and significant side of your "I". Otherwise, with the encounter, mutual disappointment will ensnare you both.

3. Create a virtual image for yourself

There are thousands of forms on the site - to wait when you will be noticed can take years. And its not a given fact that these will be women with whom you would desire to be introduced. Furthermore, in some countries it is not accepted for women to display initiative first, and she can simply decide not to give you the signals of attention. Examine the catalogues more frequently; they are constantly supplemented. And if a woman seems attractive to you, wink to her, send a virtual postcard or write a letter. The more women you will honour with attention, the greater the chances to find your "half". Answer the letters and communications faster.

4. Display activity and initiative

How many women you did meet at work, on street, in the transport? And, until now, you did not meet that one and only? You did encounter banality and rudeness? And did not leave any hope for a happy encounter? Why do many after the first unsuccessful attempt at virtual meeting consider this way hopeless? Search for one"s "half" is a serious goal-oriented work. The Internet is not a lottery and not a fantasy country where the desires are fulfilled by themselves, but the possibility to expand the circle of search to the level of World scale. And if the search is not successful? Weeks, months pass; women do not write and do not answer? Or they do write, but not those you wished for and not about that which you wanted to discuss? It means, you directed your charm not to those you intended to attract, or selected the wrong image. Read these recommendations from the beginning and change your profile. The main thing is - not to retreat before setbacks!

5. Do not retreat before failures

Beautiful Russian Brides

Дильноза, 33 y.o.

Anna, 34 y.o.

Anastasiya, 40 y.o.

Гүлзира, 21 y.o.

Albina, 36 y.o.