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Being dumped sucks. And it hurts a lot, especially if you didn't see it coming. But you know you have to deal with it, no matter how hard it is! You can't beg your ex partner to take you back. Unless, of course, you're prepared for another round of rejection and humiliation.

So, to help you cope with your breakup and get over your ex, here are some tips for you to follow...

1. Stay away from your ex: You may be tempted to be friends with them. Don't. What you need to do is to learn from the mistakes made, forget about your ex, and move on. You owe that to yourself. Here are what you need to do asap: erase their phone number in all forms of your address books pretty russian wife. Get rid of all the bits and pieces that remind you of them. And don't be at the same place with them "accidentally." At least, until you can honestly know you have moved on. Until then, don't be a masochist, that won't help you.

2. Give yourself some space: Give yourself the space and time to mourn. It's absolutely normal. That's how you deal with your pain appropriately. Just don't feel bad about yourself. Isolate yourself from the world if you want; at least for a little time. Have some "me" time to reflect on your breakup and think things through so you don't take the toxic issues into your next relationship.

3. Socialize: Catch up with your friends and your family. Mix with the people who can give you solid support. Spend time with them and bond over a couple of drinks or a trip to your favorite coffee shop. If you're not comfortable in sharing your feelings with them, then just have fun and loosen up. It will help you take your mind off your ex.

4. Get back into your hobbies: There are probably some favorite hobbies you loved doing before you met your ex. You probably had to put them off to have time for your relationship women for dating. Well, this is a great time to enjoy doing them again. You love reading books? You love watching movies at home while munching on a bowl of popcorn? No problem. Now, you have plenty of time to enjoy them again.

5. Entering a rebound relationship is not the solution: Avoid getting into a rebound relationship. Remember you need a reasonable amount of time to heal from the ending of a significant love relationship. Going out with some random person who shows interest in you will not help you to become healthy in your relationship thinking. It's unfair to both of you; a relationship on the rebound often does more harm than good.

This is a time to learn about yourself. Are destructive emotions at the heart of any problems you are now experiencing? If this is the case, you will need to look at your beliefs and get control of what you are really telling yourself.

Being dumped sucks. And it hurts a lot, especially if you didn't see it coming. But you know you have to deal with it, no matter how hard it is! You can't beg your ex partner to take you back. Unless, of course, you're prepared for another round of rejection and humiliation.

So, to help you cope with your breakup and get over your ex, here are some tips for you to follow...