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Russian mail brides

Russian women like to complain to foreigners that they do all the work around the house, they take care of children, husband alcoholic is not working for many years, but she can not leave him, because children need a father.

Young Russian girls every day go out to the street like to the catwalk: they do their hair and makeup, wear the best clothes, manicure, pedicure, perfume, and it doesn’t matter whether they are going shopping or going to the supermarket for toilet paper. The length of the route does not matter – whether it the next corner russian mail brides, the house across the street or a whole travel around the city. Men can’t stay indifferent when they see such girls. Maybe that is why beautiful Russian cam girls are so popular all around the world.

So what do western men think of Russian cam girls and Russian women in general? I asked several familiar foreign men, many of whom are my good friends to help me in writing the article and answer the important question: "What do they think of Russian women?"

Juha Graaf, musician, 29 years, Helsinki: "The Russian girls have played in my life a very important role. But I can only talk about the girls from the Northern capital. We often come to St. Petersburg performing at local clubs, drinking, detach. Russian girls are absolutely reckless, if they go to White Castle, this is a long time and to the fullest. They do not know what does not measure - no alcohol, no love. Beautiful Russian cam girls are very feminine, passionate, very beautiful, very vulnerable. " Juha was twice married and divorced, second wife was from St. Petersburg.

Heinz Schulze, 36, designer, Dresden: "The Russian girls know their own worth, at least, in Moscow. (Heinz has lived and worked in Moscow for over 8 years, - auth.) Of course, for them, money plays a paramount role. And they are currently looking for a husband with an apartment, car and bank account. Russian dream is to go abroad because they think it is better there than here. Men are richer and air is cleaner and houses have beautiful gardens. Russian wife is a beautiful lady, well-prepared and tasty, hospitable, but wasteful. But we are choosing a wife, not looking for a housekeeper, and the relationship interfere with the differences in mentality. Most Russian cam girls are too crazy, too unpredictable, command like men, very strict with children, non-punctual, unnecessary, capricious."